Who we are
The Ludus Association is a non-profit association whose objective is to support and disseminate Mathematics in its various aspects, namely pedagogical, scientific, cultural, historical and recreational. Ludus is especially dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of Recreational Mathematics, developing the activities that its governing bodies consider appropriate for this purpose. Ludus' regular activities include teacher training courses, promotion and support for meetings, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, institutional events, festivals, study visits, lectures, clubs and other similar and related activities; publishing works within the scope of its activity; promoting exchanges, at national and international level, with institutions with similar vocations. The Ludus Association promotes Mathematics in various ways, being one of the few entities in Portugal that offers training for teachers of Mathematics and related areas, accredited by the Ministry of Education. Ludus organizes mathematical board game championships in schools, at regional and national level.
Ludus has several outreach programs, such as Mathematical Circus, which aims to promote and encourage mathematical exploration. The outreach activities organized by Ludus, such as MAS! (Maths Arts and Society) or the Masterclasses, involve the lay public. Ludus has designed and maintains an exhibition room dedicated to mathematical games in the National Museum of Natural History and Science, which is very popular with museum visitors. Ludus also organizes international academic events, such as colloquia on Recreational Mathematics and Board Game Studies. It also publishes books on mathematics, history of mathematics, games, history of games, recreational mathematics, as well as several scientific journals available free of charge online (Recreational Mathematics Magazine, Board Game Studies Journal, Journal of Early Mathematics). Ludus has among its associates and collaborators researchers and experts in mathematics, history of mathematics and education. It has almost 20 years of experience in training teachers in all aspects of mathematics, history of mathematics, recreational mathematics, among other disciplines, and in organizing conferences, seminars and mathematical game competitions for all types of audiences, both locally and nationally.
Statutes of the Ludus Association
Article 1
Designation, purpose and headquarters
The Ludus Association, abbreviated as AL, is a non-profit association whose objective is to support and disseminate Mathematics in its various aspects, namely pedagogical, scientific, cultural, historical and recreational. AL is especially dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of Recreational Mathematics, developing activities that its governing bodies deem appropriate for this purpose.
The regular activity of the AL takes place, namely
a. participating in the organization of the National Mathematical Games Championship;
b. bringing together those interested in the objectives of the AL;
c. promoting and supporting meetings, colloquia, congresses, seminars, exhibitions, study trips, lectures, clubs and other similar and related activities;
d. publishing works within its scope of activity and related areas;
e. promoting exchange, at national and international level, with institutions with similar vocations.
The headquarters of the AL is at the National Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Lisbon, Rua da Escola Politécnica 56, 1250-102 Lisbon.
Article 2
1. The AL has six types of members, regardless of nationality, designated as
- founders;
- effective;
- students;
- institutional;
- benefactors;
- fees.
Founding members are the members who made the granting of membership in the act of incorporation of the Association, and the General Assembly may admit other individuals or legal entities interested in pursuing the objectives of the Association as founding members, provided that they are accepted by resolution of the General Assembly taken by a majority of two-thirds of the votes. The possibility of admitting founding members shall end one year after the date of incorporation of the Association, and the General Assembly that admits them as such must be held by the end of the third month after the end of the aforementioned one-year period. In addition to the rights specifically attributed to them, founding members shall enjoy all the rights that these statutes attribute to effective members.
- Anyone aged 18 or over can be a member of AL;
- Any student can be a student member of AL;
- Public or private entities that express an interest in supporting the objectives of the AL may be institutional members;
- Individuals or legal entities who have made a valuable donation to the AL or contributed significantly to the progress of the Association may become honorary members;
- People who have contributed significantly to the development of Mathematics may become honorary members.
2. (Fees) Members are obliged to pay annual fees. The fees for the various categories are set by the General Assembly.
3. (Admissibility of members) The admission of active, student and institutional members is carried out by the AL Board of Directors.
4. (Appointment of members) The appointment of honorary and benefactor members is made by the General Assembly, upon proposal by the Board of Directors.
Article 3
1. (Enumeration) The governing bodies of the AL are:
- General Assembly, consisting of founding, active and student members and representatives of institutional members in full enjoyment of rights. The Board of the General Assembly will be composed of three members: a president and two secretaries.
- The Board of Directors, made up of three members: a president and two vice-presidents.
- The Supervisory Board, made up of three members: a chairman and two members.
2. (Elections and terms of office) The members of the General Assembly Board, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board are elected at the General Assembly for three-year terms of office.
Article 4
General Assembly
1. The General Assembly of the Association is composed of all founding and active members in full enjoyment of their statutory rights. Honorary members may participate in the General Assembly, but do not have the right to vote.
2. The General Assembly is responsible for all decisions not included in the legal or statutory powers of the other bodies of the Association.
3. The General Assembly of the Association is necessarily responsible for electing, suspending or dismissing the members of all the Association's bodies, approving the annual financial report and balance sheet, approving the annual budget and the systems for determining and quantifying the annual fees applicable to the various classes of members, amending these statutes, dissolving the Association and authorizing the Association to sue the members of the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board for acts committed in the exercise of their respective positions.
4. The Board of the General Assembly, consisting of a President and two Secretaries, is elected by the General Assembly for a term of three years.
5. Each member will have a number of votes determined in accordance with the following:
- Founding members: five votes;
- Effective members: one vote;
- Institutional associates: twenty votes.
6. Any member in full enjoyment of his/her rights may be represented by another member by means of a letter addressed to the Chairman of the Board, delivered up to two days before the date of the respective General Meeting. Each member may not represent more than two other members.
7. The provisions of the Civil Code not referred to in the provisions of these statutes, relating to the convening and operation of the General Assemblies of associations, apply to the General Assembly of the Association.
Article 5
1. The Board of Directors of the Association constitutes the executive body invested by the General Assembly with all powers of administration and management of the Association that are not attributed to the other bodies of the same.
2. The Chairman of the Board represents the Association in and out of court, and may temporarily delegate these powers to another director.
3. The Board of Directors may validly deliberate provided there is an absolute majority of directors present.
4. The Chairman, who has a casting vote, presides over the Board meetings and executes the decisions of the corporate bodies.
5. The Board of Directors shall meet whenever convened by the Chairman or by two directors.
Article 6
Supervisory Board
1. The Supervisory Board shall have the powers and obligations established by law.
Article 7
Amendment of Articles of Association, Dissolution and Liquidation
1. (Amendment to the Statutes) Proposals to amend the Statutes may only be submitted to the General Assembly Board by the Board of Directors or by a group of at least 30 members in full enjoyment of their rights.
2. (Dissolution and liquidation)
- The dissolution of the AL can only be decided at a General Meeting expressly convened for this purpose, with grounds sent to members at least 31 days in advance;
- Dissolution can only be approved if it brings together more than three quarters of the total number of members;
- The General Assembly that decides to dissolve the AL must designate a legal entity to which the AL's assets will revert with the same charge or allocation.
Governing bodies | The social bodies of Ludus
Triennium 2024-2027
(GA of 25 March 2024)
General Assembly
Pedro Freitas (President)
Carla Cardoso (Secretary)
Tiago Hirth (Secretary)
Jorge Nuno Silva (President)
Anabela Teixeira (Vice-President)
António Fernandes (Vice-President)
Supervisory Board
Tiago Robalo (President)
Alda Carvalho (Member)
Ilda Rafael (Vowel)
Triennium 2021-2024
(GA of 12 MARCH 2021)
General Assembly:
Pedro Jorge Freitas (president)
Antonio Fernandes (secretary)
Tiago Hirth (secretary)
Jorge Nuno Silva (president)
João Pedro Neto (vice-president)
Anabela Teixeira (vice-president)
Supervisory Board:
Tiago Robalo (president)
Alda Carvalho (member)
Ilda Rafael (vowel)
Triennium 2018-2021
(GA of 26 March 2018)
General Assembly:
Carlos Pereira dos Santos (president)
Anabela Teixeira (secretary)
Tiago Robalo (secretary)
Jorge Nuno Silva (president)
João Pedro Neto (vice-president)
Pedro Freitas (vice-president)
Supervisory Board:
Pedro Durão (president)
Alda Carvalho (member)
Tiago Hirth (vowel)
Triennium 2015-2018
(Changes from the General Assembly of 30-03-2017)
General Assembly:
Jose Francisco Rodrigues (president)
Anabela Teixeira (secretary)
Tiago Robalo (secretary)
Jorge Nuno Silva (president)
João Pedro Neto (vice-president)
Pedro Freitas (vice-president)
Supervisory Board:
Pedro Durão (president)
Alda Carvalho (member)
Tiago Hirth (vowel)
Triennium 2015-2018
(General Assembly 2015-03-19)
General Assembly:
Jose Francisco Rodrigues (president)
Anabela Teixeira (secretary)
Pedro Freitas (secretary)
Jorge Nuno Silva (president)
João Pedro Neto (vice-president)
Carlos Pereira dos Santos (Vice President)
Supervisory Board:
Pedro Durão (president)
Alda Carvalho (member)
Tiago Hirth (vowel)
Triennium 2012-2015
(General Assembly 2012-05-17)
General Assembly:
Jose Francisco Rodrigues (president)
José Carlos Quadrado (secretary)
Henrique Leitao (secretary)
Jorge Nuno Silva (president)
João Pedro Neto (vice-president)
Carlos Pereira dos Santos (Vice President)
Supervisory Board:
Pedro Durão (president)
Alda Carvalho (member)
Paulo Dias (vowel)
Triennium 2009-2012
(General Assembly 2009-03-27)
General Assembly:
Jose Francisco Rodrigues (president)
José Carlos Quadrado (secretary)
Luis Saraiva (secretary)
Jorge Nuno Silva (president)
João Pedro Neto (vice-president)
Carlos Pereira dos Santos (Vice President)
Supervisory Board:
Pedro Durão (president)
Alda Carvalho (member)
Paul Dias
Triennium 2006-2009
(General Assembly 2006-07-03)
General Assembly:
Jose Francisco Rodrigues (president)
José Carlos Quadrado (secretary)
Luis Saraiva (secretary)
Jorge Nuno Silva (president)
João Pedro Neto (vice-president)
Carlos Pereira dos Santos (Vice President)
Supervisory Board:
Pedro Durão (president)
Alda Carvalho (member)
Teresa Caissotti (member)