Discover our projects


From September 2019 to March 2021, pedagogues, mathematicians and chess experts joined forces to study, develop and disseminate other games played on an 8 by 8 square board for educational purposes.


The purpose of CHAMPS (Chess and Mathematics in Primary School) was to develop new strategies using exercises in which mathematical games and puzzles are presented in the format of the game of Chess.


The main priority of this collaboration was to improve and provide hands-on learning opportunities for adults with low literacy and numeracy proficiency.


An international and interdisciplinary network of scholars and stakeholders at all career levels in academia, industry and heritage institutions, to foster methodologies and applications on how to use game AI to study, reconstruct and preserve the intangible cultural heritage of games.


Aimed at students and teachers in the first and second cycles, this collaboration between historians, mathematicians and pedagogues includes games as a complement to classroom teaching.